Galbūt ir suklydau… Galbūt tarp prokurorų sprendimo nutraukti ikiteisminį tyrimą dėl Y.Arado galimai padarytų nusikaltimų žmoniškumui ir Šnipiškių kapinių nėra jokio ryšio…
Mat, kai kas teigia, kad tyrimas buvo nutrauktas pareikalavus Lietuvos prezidentui Valdui Adamkui.
Jei kas tingėsite skaityti visą straipsnį, pasirodžiusį Baltimore Jewish Times 2008 metų rugpjūčio 27 dieną.
Štai keletas citatų:
The president of Lithuania has promised that his country’s investigation into the wartime activities of several elderly Jewish World War II partisans will be dropped, according to an official of the Simon Wiesenthal Center—but can he keep the promise?
Adamkus reportedly has spoken to the prosecutor in the inquiry of Yitzhak Arad, Yad Vashem’s chairman emeritus, and the two other partisans.
According to the Vilnius Yiddish Institute, where one of the former partisans works, Adamkus said he was asking the prosecutor to shift from requiring the three partisans to bear witness against each other in court testimony and instead ask them to volunteer their memory as experts in an inquiry into a massacre by Soviet partisans in the village of Kaniukai.
Advocates of the partisans remain dubious as to how Adamkus can uphold such a promise in that his office does not have the authority to override the prosecutor.
Shimon Samuels, the director for international relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center who recently met with Adamkus, said the Lithuanian leader assured him that the survivors would not be forced to testify.
Ir visai be reikalo tie advokatai, pasirodo, abejojo Lietuvos presidento galiomis.
Kaip pasakė, taip ir buvo…