As soon as HC journalists left Rakauskiene
Or ” A chemically dangerous fungus epidemics in Domeikava
It has passed exactly three months since Hot Commentary (HC) announced about suspicious activities producing suspicious smells, which have dwelled for four years in one apartment in a multi-tenant building in Domeikava, in Kaunas area. The owner of the apartment, a former police officer S. Rakauskiene, suspects that this acrid acetone gas, which irritates eyes, nose and mouth, comes into her apartment from the neighboring apartment, where, according to S. Rakauskiene, a narcotics laboratory functions.
„Is acetone used in any other production process?” ” wondered a former police officer.
In the meantime, the police department and the local Kaunas police are stamping one decree after another, where they say that S. Rakauskienės complaints have not been verified and there is no narcotics production in Neries str. 20, in the apartments mentioned by S. Rakauskiene.
Then why is there such a high concentration of chemical substance stench in S. Rakauskienės apartment?
„It’s because of a fungus,” ” the head of Domeikava police office, Arturas Maisuraitis finally explained to Hot Commentary.
How an HC Reader Did on his Civil Duty
Without the help of a „Hot Commentary” reader we wouldn’t have known about a fungus which can produce acetone, formaldehide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide (that was the concentration of chemical substances which was found in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment), and produce such amounts of these substances that after spending just a few minutes in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment one’s eyes become irritated, they reddened, tears appeared, the nose and the mouth started itching.
So this is how it has happened. One of our readers – a teacher, who working in Kaunas – after having read another article about how the government and legal institutions do not care about some Rakauskiene in some Domeikava in Kaunas area, who is almost dieing off the stench of acetone staying in her apartment for four years already, became furious („In Soviet times, their shoulder straps would have been taken off already” ” that was how he expressed his fury to Hot Commentary), and, as he thought, did on his civic duty by calling the police on July 23rd in the evening asking them to come.
„I was told that the police is on their way,” ” the teacher informed the editorial office about his actions and he felt happy that this will close down the illegal narcotics production laboratory.
Unfortunately, the respected teacher and an author of many textbooks could not even imagine how the events after his call will develop further.
S. Rakauskiene told us about the further development of this „movie”.
„I see two Domeikava police officers are coming. The yard is full of kids ” the police have come! So these two officers get up to the fourth floor and the owner of the apartment, Andrius Kaladauskas, opens the door of the apartment right below mine. Then I say: „Let’s see what you’re making in your bathroom,” but the two officers tell me ” „you do not have a right to enter this apartment,” and quickly enter Kaladauskas’ apartment. I want to follow them, but Kaladauskas slams the door into my face and locks it. I wait on the stairs. Less than a minute later, the two officers left and went right downstairs. I run after them shouting: „Wait, come into my apartment and smell that stench in there!” But they ran out of the house, got into their car and left. They didn’t even enter my apartment,” ” S. Rakauskiene told her impressions to Hot Commentary.
The next day, on July 24th, the „Hot Commentary” reader, the teacher who had called the police the day before, called the Domeikava police station again and asked how his call had ended.
„There are no drugs there, the stench is caused by a fungus in S. Rakauskiene’s flat,” ” the head of Domeikava’s police station explained to the citizen.
That’s why, in order to receive a more detailed explanation, Hot Commentary also called the head of the Domeikava police station.
The Head of the Police Station does not Fight Fungus
-Good afternoon. Could you explain what is happening in Rakauskiene’s apartment in Domeikava? Where is the stench from in this apartment? ” Hot Commentary asked the head of the Domeikava police station Arturas Maisuraitis.
– It’s because of a fungus, – explained the respected commissar. ” In Rakauskiene’s bathroom, there is a covered ventilation hole, a fungus formed around it and it produces this stench. But you can ask for a more detailed explanation from the Domeikava’s head of regional municipality ” he knows more about the fungus. They formed a commission which examined the smells in Rakauskiene’s apartment, and he was in the commission, so you should ask him.
– Could you tell us, what type of fungus produces acetone smell?
-I don’t know. You need to ask the head of regional municipality.
-We were visiting Rakauskiene’s apartment yesterday and in a few minutes our eyes started watering, got red and irritated. We physically could be there.
-What are you trying to say?
-Well, we just want to ask what kind of fungus could produce such acrid acetone smell that in a few minutes eyes become irritated.
-I already told you that you need to ask the head of regional municipality about it.
-Don’t you think that smell is very alike to the heroin or amphetamine smell, when they are being produced?
-There are no drugs there! ” the head of the police station suddenly becomes very irritated. ” It is the fault of the building. By the way, we are a public police office. We do not investigate narcotics. If you need to ask about narcotics, call the criminal police.
-So where is the acrid acetone smell from in Rakauskiene’s apartment?
-I don’t know. Who owns the house? The local municipality? The regional? Then call the municipality, because we are the public police.
The Head of the Kaunas Region Police Commissariat (PC): Hm” !
After saying goodbye to the Domeikava police department head A. Maisuraitis, we decided first to call the head of the Kaunas region police commissariat Sergej Å estakov ” because his institution is performing a pre-trial investigation on S. Rakauskiene’s statement about the acetone smell in her apartment.
-Good afternoon,, the head of the Domeikava police station explained that the stench in Rakauskiene’s apartment is caused by a fungus. As far as we know, a pre-trial investigation is being performed in your institution. Tell us, has it been officially determined that the acetone smell comes from a fungus?
– Well” hm” This is what I can tell you. As many times as Ms. Rakauskiene addressed us claiming” well” that they make narcotics there and that it has been going on for a few years, and we have done a number of investigations. And during those investigations not a single fact was verified. I can’t answer your question about whether it is a fungus or not, I am not an expert. Well, I can recommend you to talk to the investigator of this case.
– Mrs. Snieganiene?
– Yes. Good bye.
Investigator G. Snieganiene: What fungus?
So we are calling to the senior investigator of the Kaunas region PC, Mrs. Snieganiene.
-Good afternoon, Mrs. Snieganiene. Tell us, have you completed the pre-trial investigation following Rakauskiene’s statement?
– Yes, the investigation has been completed and all the collected material has been handed over to the prosecutor’s office. Now that office will decide what to do with the case material.
-Our journalists visited Rakauskiene’s apartment again. When we entered the apartment, a strong stench was felt. In a few minutes, our eyes started hurting, became red and started tearing. The head of the Domeikava police station claimed that the stench is from some fungus.
– I was in that apartment myself and I didn’t experience any nose or eye irritation. I was there for longer than an hour. So I don’t know” Maybe people react to it differently? There were many investigations performed and no health damage has been determined.
-Which apartment did you visit? Rakauskiene’s?
-In Rakauskiene’s and the one downstairs, at Kalakauskas.
-I don’t know, but yesterday the smell was really bad. My eyes are red even today. Interesting”
-You know, police doesn’t work with such things. Maybe you should address the public health center? We investigated as much as we could, and the fact that eyes are irritated” I have no idea. When I was there, it didn’t happen.
-Tell me, did you warn the people before visiting? Or did you come unexpectedly?
-Well, I can’t tell now” (long pause) Maybe once I did warn” (long pause)The next time probably not” (long pause)
-And you were in that apartment for more than an hour?
-Yes, more than an hour. Maybe others react differently, but I didn’t feel any effect.
The head of Domeikava regional municipality: We need Sherlock Holmes here!
-Good afternoon. I talked to the head of the Domeikava police office this morning and he suggested calling you. We are interested in the problem of Ms. Rakauskiene, living in Neries 20-14, in Domeikava. The head of the police office said that you could explain the origin of the strange odor in her apartment. We were told that a commission was formed and they found some fungus. You were in the commission, so could you explain what kind of fungus was found? ” we asked the head of the Domeikava regional municipality, Raimondas Stankus.
– Well, you know” How can I explain that? We had a commission formed from ten people, including me. We had people from the hygiene center, and from the police office, criminal police” They sucked something from air there through some filters and took it for tests. That’s it. I didn’t receive any announcements. I guess I was there as a witness. We were there in the evening, around 9 p.m.
What did I see” Ventilation holes were covered. All of them, supposedly y so there wouldn’t be any smell. Well, there was some smell there, but as I haven’t smelled narcotics, I don’t know if it was narcotics or not. We went to the neighbors, it didn’t stink there. This thing has been going on for three years already.
I am thinking logically: if there was something there, if they were making something, wouldn’t they be afraid of these commissions, police, and articles being written? At least I, logically thinking, would stop the activity and move somewhere else.
-Well, „tulpiniai” gang also killed people unstopped for ten years, as they were the police’s agents. And for ten years they weren’t bothered by anybody. And then one day, as their „roof” went to politics, they were „packed up.” And this thing has only been going for three years”
-Well, I don’t know” Theoretically it is possible, but practically” What can you do in an apartment building? We visited different neighbors, there were all normal people, they let us come in, smell around, look around. That’s all I can say.
-Yesterday „Hot Commentary” reporters visited Rakauskiene, and in two minutes eyes started tearing and hurting. Physically, we could only spend 40 minutes in that apartment ” and that with windows open. And the woman has been living in this acetone smell for three years already”
-I can give another example: a woman lives here, who is herself a patient at Žiegzdriai (Hospitaly for mental patients ” HC). So she constantly complains about the neighbor who blows gas through her window. She called us at 11 p.m., saying that they started blowing, so I came. Well, there was some smell. But this was impossible ” I have known those neighbors for 25 years. I grew up with them. So that woman asks me: what do you think, what’s that smell? I know she’s from Žiegzdriai, so I am thinking of what to answer. She says: mold? Fungus? I say ” yes. So she says ” you’re just as corrupted as the police. There was a smell there, but the house is small, wooden, so I thought that it was for sure some fungus.
That’s what I am saying about Rakauskiene. There is a smell. And she tells us that she is coughing, choking, and that is possibly an allergic reaction. So I don’t know” !
-Well, yesterday there was a strong acetone smell there” We went there to smell without telling anybody, because we wanted to make sure that there was a strong stench as she had told. Just, as we said, we were passing by and dropped by. The smell was indeed horrible yesterday.
-But didn’t you notice? I told her ” open those ventilation holes. The rooms have to air, to breathe. She says ” no, when I open them, the smell is worse.
-But she had windows open.
– I don’t know. I think one needs to lift the flooring, take off the wall-paper” I don’t think it is narcotics. I don’t believe it. I don’t know who could figure it out ” we’d need Sherlock Holmes to do that.
S. Rakauskiene: Close that Production Laboratory and the Smell will Go Away
In the meantime, the former police officer S. Rakauskiene is convinced that the acrid acetone smell comes from the narcotics production shop situated in her apartment building.
„In 2005 I had many announcement in the newspaper „Noriu” that I am looking for a private detective with special equipment ” if the police cannot solve the problem, I wanted to find out myself what is going on in my building” ,” explained S. Rakauskiene to Hot Commentary.
„About 100 people responded to this announcement. They were from Marijampole, Å iauliai, but it was mainly from Kaunas,” – told the woman. „There were different people: former police officers, secret police officers, former prisoners ” they must have thought that they’ll take the money from a woman and disappear.”
S. Rakauskiene told us she didn’t go to meet everyone who called, but after a few questions she was choosing whom to go and meet.
„Most often, I would meet the callers in public places ” near the war museum, or Topolis shop,” ” told Rakauskiene.
„But one call was very interesting” ” the woman remembers events from a few years ago.
„Lady, I know your problem and I can help you,” – said the caller.
„I made the meeting place and time: 12 o’clock at noon at Topolis shop. I noticed that I was recognized. He called me to sit in some old red car. The man, who was sitting there, was dark skinned and had a scar across the left cheek. He said that he’d been to prison for many times and that the last time he was there for murder. And that he can help me ” he can „take away” whomever I need”, ” told S. Rakauskiene.
„He told that the old car is not his and that he has a fancy car and lives well. He asked if I knew that I was constantly followed. I said that I knew. Then he sayed, that I am risking my life by not leaving my flat. He said I had to get out, because I had no other choice”, ” the woman told.
„By the way, he introduced himself as KÄ™stas. We talked, I asked him to solve my problem. I said ” if you know that gang, buy the apartment from me so I could buy a new apartment. Then the man on the back seat, whose face I didn’t see, because I didn’t look back, put something to my head – by the sound I recognized a gun – and said: „your head is worth one litas, and the head of a good businessman ” thirty thousand litas”, ” told her history the former police officer.
„I joked about it all. I said that I’ve seen different things in life and I am not afraid of anything. I asked them to help me figure out what is being made there. Finally, we agreed that KÄ™stas will help me”, ” the woman remembered the events from a few years ago.
„And really, in a short while, I received an SMS message from him. I keep it till now. This is what Kestas wrote to me on 2005 11 27 at 17:18: „That liquid is called BMK and is very toxic and volatile,” ” S. Rakauskiene showed the message to Hot Commentary.
„After this message KÄ™stas disappeared ” Then,responding to my announcement, called another man. He introduced himself as Harold. We met at Presto café in Hyper Maxima shop center”, ” continued the woman.
„This meeting happened in 2005, in the end of November. I came to Presto and I was looking around. The phone rings: „I see you, I am coming up.” A man, who comes up, looking sporty, was wearing jacket of color of sand. I understood that he’s a „bandit” ” told the woman.
„He offered a cup of coffee. We came up to a table and I saw the guys who used to sit under my windows with those other guys I am complaining about. They greeted that Harold, shaken hands. I realized they were friends. „You know each other?” – I asked. He said that yes. Then I told him: „I know them, they sat under our windows.” When I saw them I didn’t want to talk any more. I said goodbye and went back to the car. Then Harold called and asked to come back to the door of the shop. I came back because I wondered what he would say. „We don’t know each other, let’s part on good terms,” ” he said. „Good,” ” I answered.
So these were my attempts to solve this by myself.
And now it seems that the stench in my flat is not from BMK, but some fungus. That’s the end of the world!” ” wondered the woman.
„What is that BMK?” ” the head of the Domeikava regional municipality asked Hot Commentary. We are explaining: that means the benzylmethylketon in short form, which means a chemical substance, which is the basic substance in the production of extasy, amphetamyn and metamphetamyn.
By the way, a few weeks ago police boasted about performing a big operation ” in one of the garages in Kaunas they found 27kg of metamphetamyn, ready for export from Lithuania. That is, they boasted, the largest police operation in this sphere.
Isn’t it interesting why Lithuanian police finds only the drug dealers, but they cannot find the laboratories producing that metamphetamyn?
Post Scriptum
In June, a reporter from Iceland, who had been following the English translations of this article on the website, called the Hot Commentary and asked if he could visit that flat in Domeikava and talk to S. Rakauskiene. We said ” no problem, come here.
An interesting coincidence has happened after this telephone call: almost all week after the foreigner’s call, the „fungus” in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment did not produce any acetone smell, and S. Rakauskiene could sleep normally first time during the last three years.
But when the visitor didn’t come, the „fungus” revived: day and night S.Rakauskiene can hear the centrifuges working (the neighbors must be very tidy people and do their laundry all day long), and a few times a day an acrid acetone smell fills up S. Rakauskiene’s apartment.
So who will mushroom out the fungus in Domeikava? And what is that chemically dangerous fungus called?
To be continued
As soon as HC journalists left Rakauskiene
Or ” A chemically dangerous fungus epidemics in Domeikava
It has passed exactly three months since Hot Commentary (HC) announced about suspicious activities producing suspicious smells, which have dwelled for four years in one apartment in a multi-tenant building in Domeikava, in Kaunas area. The owner of the apartment, a former police officer S. Rakauskiene, suspects that this acrid acetone gas, which irritates eyes, nose and mouth, comes into her apartment from the neighboring apartment, where, according to S. Rakauskiene, a narcotics laboratory functions.
„Is acetone used in any other production process?” ” wondered a former police officer.
In the meantime, the police department and the local Kaunas police are stamping one decree after another, where they say that S. Rakauskienės complaints have not been verified and there is no narcotics production in Neries str. 20, in the apartments mentioned by S. Rakauskiene.
Then why is there such a high concentration of chemical substance stench in S. Rakauskienės apartment?
„It’s because of a fungus,” ” the head of Domeikava police office, Arturas Maisuraitis finally explained to Hot Commentary.
How an HC Reader Did on his Civil Duty
Without the help of a „Hot Commentary” reader we wouldn’t have known about a fungus which can produce acetone, formaldehide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide (that was the concentration of chemical substances which was found in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment), and produce such amounts of these substances that after spending just a few minutes in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment one’s eyes become irritated, they reddened, tears appeared, the nose and the mouth started itching.
So this is how it has happened. One of our readers – a teacher, who working in Kaunas – after having read another article about how the government and legal institutions do not care about some Rakauskiene in some Domeikava in Kaunas area, who is almost dieing off the stench of acetone staying in her apartment for four years already, became furious („In Soviet times, their shoulder straps would have been taken off already” ” that was how he expressed his fury to Hot Commentary), and, as he thought, did on his civic duty by calling the police on July 23rd in the evening asking them to come.
„I was told that the police is on their way,” ” the teacher informed the editorial office about his actions and he felt happy that this will close down the illegal narcotics production laboratory.
Unfortunately, the respected teacher and an author of many textbooks could not even imagine how the events after his call will develop further.
S. Rakauskiene told us about the further development of this „movie”.
„I see two Domeikava police officers are coming. The yard is full of kids ” the police have come! So these two officers get up to the fourth floor and the owner of the apartment, Andrius Kaladauskas, opens the door of the apartment right below mine. Then I say: „Let’s see what you’re making in your bathroom,” but the two officers tell me ” „you do not have a right to enter this apartment,” and quickly enter Kaladauskas’ apartment. I want to follow them, but Kaladauskas slams the door into my face and locks it. I wait on the stairs. Less than a minute later, the two officers left and went right downstairs. I run after them shouting: „Wait, come into my apartment and smell that stench in there!” But they ran out of the house, got into their car and left. They didn’t even enter my apartment,” ” S. Rakauskiene told her impressions to Hot Commentary.
The next day, on July 24th, the „Hot Commentary” reader, the teacher who had called the police the day before, called the Domeikava police station again and asked how his call had ended.
„There are no drugs there, the stench is caused by a fungus in S. Rakauskiene’s flat,” ” the head of Domeikava’s police station explained to the citizen.
That’s why, in order to receive a more detailed explanation, Hot Commentary also called the head of the Domeikava police station.
The Head of the Police Station does not Fight Fungus
-Good afternoon. Could you explain what is happening in Rakauskiene’s apartment in Domeikava? Where is the stench from in this apartment? ” Hot Commentary asked the head of the Domeikava police station Arturas Maisuraitis.
– It’s because of a fungus, – explained the respected commissar. ” In Rakauskiene’s bathroom, there is a covered ventilation hole, a fungus formed around it and it produces this stench. But you can ask for a more detailed explanation from the Domeikava’s head of regional municipality ” he knows more about the fungus. They formed a commission which examined the smells in Rakauskiene’s apartment, and he was in the commission, so you should ask him.
– Could you tell us, what type of fungus produces acetone smell?
-I don’t know. You need to ask the head of regional municipality.
-We were visiting Rakauskiene’s apartment yesterday and in a few minutes our eyes started watering, got red and irritated. We physically could be there.
-What are you trying to say?
-Well, we just want to ask what kind of fungus could produce such acrid acetone smell that in a few minutes eyes become irritated.
-I already told you that you need to ask the head of regional municipality about it.
-Don’t you think that smell is very alike to the heroin or amphetamine smell, when they are being produced?
-There are no drugs there! ” the head of the police station suddenly becomes very irritated. ” It is the fault of the building. By the way, we are a public police office. We do not investigate narcotics. If you need to ask about narcotics, call the criminal police.
-So where is the acrid acetone smell from in Rakauskiene’s apartment?
-I don’t know. Who owns the house? The local municipality? The regional? Then call the municipality, because we are the public police.
The Head of the Kaunas Region Police Commissariat (PC): Hm” !
After saying goodbye to the Domeikava police department head A. Maisuraitis, we decided first to call the head of the Kaunas region police commissariat Sergej Å estakov ” because his institution is performing a pre-trial investigation on S. Rakauskiene’s statement about the acetone smell in her apartment.
-Good afternoon,, the head of the Domeikava police station explained that the stench in Rakauskiene’s apartment is caused by a fungus. As far as we know, a pre-trial investigation is being performed in your institution. Tell us, has it been officially determined that the acetone smell comes from a fungus?
– Well” hm” This is what I can tell you. As many times as Ms. Rakauskiene addressed us claiming” well” that they make narcotics there and that it has been going on for a few years, and we have done a number of investigations. And during those investigations not a single fact was verified. I can’t answer your question about whether it is a fungus or not, I am not an expert. Well, I can recommend you to talk to the investigator of this case.
– Mrs. Snieganiene?
– Yes. Good bye.
Investigator G. Snieganiene: What fungus?
So we are calling to the senior investigator of the Kaunas region PC, Mrs. Snieganiene.
-Good afternoon, Mrs. Snieganiene. Tell us, have you completed the pre-trial investigation following Rakauskiene’s statement?
– Yes, the investigation has been completed and all the collected material has been handed over to the prosecutor’s office. Now that office will decide what to do with the case material.
-Our journalists visited Rakauskiene’s apartment again. When we entered the apartment, a strong stench was felt. In a few minutes, our eyes started hurting, became red and started tearing. The head of the Domeikava police station claimed that the stench is from some fungus.
– I was in that apartment myself and I didn’t experience any nose or eye irritation. I was there for longer than an hour. So I don’t know” Maybe people react to it differently? There were many investigations performed and no health damage has been determined.
-Which apartment did you visit? Rakauskiene’s?
-In Rakauskiene’s and the one downstairs, at Kalakauskas.
-I don’t know, but yesterday the smell was really bad. My eyes are red even today. Interesting”
-You know, police doesn’t work with such things. Maybe you should address the public health center? We investigated as much as we could, and the fact that eyes are irritated” I have no idea. When I was there, it didn’t happen.
-Tell me, did you warn the people before visiting? Or did you come unexpectedly?
-Well, I can’t tell now” (long pause) Maybe once I did warn” (long pause)The next time probably not” (long pause)
-And you were in that apartment for more than an hour?
-Yes, more than an hour. Maybe others react differently, but I didn’t feel any effect.
The head of Domeikava regional municipality: We need Sherlock Holmes here!
-Good afternoon. I talked to the head of the Domeikava police office this morning and he suggested calling you. We are interested in the problem of Ms. Rakauskiene, living in Neries 20-14, in Domeikava. The head of the police office said that you could explain the origin of the strange odor in her apartment. We were told that a commission was formed and they found some fungus. You were in the commission, so could you explain what kind of fungus was found? ” we asked the head of the Domeikava regional municipality, Raimondas Stankus.
– Well, you know” How can I explain that? We had a commission formed from ten people, including me. We had people from the hygiene center, and from the police office, criminal police” They sucked something from air there through some filters and took it for tests. That’s it. I didn’t receive any announcements. I guess I was there as a witness. We were there in the evening, around 9 p.m.
What did I see” Ventilation holes were covered. All of them, supposedly y so there wouldn’t be any smell. Well, there was some smell there, but as I haven’t smelled narcotics, I don’t know if it was narcotics or not. We went to the neighbors, it didn’t stink there. This thing has been going on for three years already.
I am thinking logically: if there was something there, if they were making something, wouldn’t they be afraid of these commissions, police, and articles being written? At least I, logically thinking, would stop the activity and move somewhere else.
-Well, „tulpiniai” gang also killed people unstopped for ten years, as they were the police’s agents. And for ten years they weren’t bothered by anybody. And then one day, as their „roof” went to politics, they were „packed up.” And this thing has only been going for three years”
-Well, I don’t know” Theoretically it is possible, but practically” What can you do in an apartment building? We visited different neighbors, there were all normal people, they let us come in, smell around, look around. That’s all I can say.
-Yesterday „Hot Commentary” reporters visited Rakauskiene, and in two minutes eyes started tearing and hurting. Physically, we could only spend 40 minutes in that apartment ” and that with windows open. And the woman has been living in this acetone smell for three years already”
-I can give another example: a woman lives here, who is herself a patient at Žiegzdriai (Hospitaly for mental patients ” HC). So she constantly complains about the neighbor who blows gas through her window. She called us at 11 p.m., saying that they started blowing, so I came. Well, there was some smell. But this was impossible ” I have known those neighbors for 25 years. I grew up with them. So that woman asks me: what do you think, what’s that smell? I know she’s from Žiegzdriai, so I am thinking of what to answer. She says: mold? Fungus? I say ” yes. So she says ” you’re just as corrupted as the police. There was a smell there, but the house is small, wooden, so I thought that it was for sure some fungus.
That’s what I am saying about Rakauskiene. There is a smell. And she tells us that she is coughing, choking, and that is possibly an allergic reaction. So I don’t know” !
-Well, yesterday there was a strong acetone smell there” We went there to smell without telling anybody, because we wanted to make sure that there was a strong stench as she had told. Just, as we said, we were passing by and dropped by. The smell was indeed horrible yesterday.
-But didn’t you notice? I told her ” open those ventilation holes. The rooms have to air, to breathe. She says ” no, when I open them, the smell is worse.
-But she had windows open.
– I don’t know. I think one needs to lift the flooring, take off the wall-paper” I don’t think it is narcotics. I don’t believe it. I don’t know who could figure it out ” we’d need Sherlock Holmes to do that.
S. Rakauskiene: Close that Production Laboratory and the Smell will Go Away
In the meantime, the former police officer S. Rakauskiene is convinced that the acrid acetone smell comes from the narcotics production shop situated in her apartment building.
„In 2005 I had many announcement in the newspaper „Noriu” that I am looking for a private detective with special equipment ” if the police cannot solve the problem, I wanted to find out myself what is going on in my building” ,” explained S. Rakauskiene to Hot Commentary.
„About 100 people responded to this announcement. They were from Marijampole, Å iauliai, but it was mainly from Kaunas,” – told the woman. „There were different people: former police officers, secret police officers, former prisoners ” they must have thought that they’ll take the money from a woman and disappear.”
S. Rakauskiene told us she didn’t go to meet everyone who called, but after a few questions she was choosing whom to go and meet.
„Most often, I would meet the callers in public places ” near the war museum, or Topolis shop,” ” told Rakauskiene.
„But one call was very interesting” ” the woman remembers events from a few years ago.
„Lady, I know your problem and I can help you,” – said the caller.
„I made the meeting place and time: 12 o’clock at noon at Topolis shop. I noticed that I was recognized. He called me to sit in some old red car. The man, who was sitting there, was dark skinned and had a scar across the left cheek. He said that he’d been to prison for many times and that the last time he was there for murder. And that he can help me ” he can „take away” whomever I need”, ” told S. Rakauskiene.
„He told that the old car is not his and that he has a fancy car and lives well. He asked if I knew that I was constantly followed. I said that I knew. Then he sayed, that I am risking my life by not leaving my flat. He said I had to get out, because I had no other choice”, ” the woman told.
„By the way, he introduced himself as KÄ™stas. We talked, I asked him to solve my problem. I said ” if you know that gang, buy the apartment from me so I could buy a new apartment. Then the man on the back seat, whose face I didn’t see, because I didn’t look back, put something to my head – by the sound I recognized a gun – and said: „your head is worth one litas, and the head of a good businessman ” thirty thousand litas”, ” told her history the former police officer.
„I joked about it all. I said that I’ve seen different things in life and I am not afraid of anything. I asked them to help me figure out what is being made there. Finally, we agreed that KÄ™stas will help me”, ” the woman remembered the events from a few years ago.
„And really, in a short while, I received an SMS message from him. I keep it till now. This is what Kestas wrote to me on 2005 11 27 at 17:18: „That liquid is called BMK and is very toxic and volatile,” ” S. Rakauskiene showed the message to Hot Commentary.
„After this message KÄ™stas disappeared ” Then,responding to my announcement, called another man. He introduced himself as Harold. We met at Presto café in Hyper Maxima shop center”, ” continued the woman.
„This meeting happened in 2005, in the end of November. I came to Presto and I was looking around. The phone rings: „I see you, I am coming up.” A man, who comes up, looking sporty, was wearing jacket of color of sand. I understood that he’s a „bandit” ” told the woman.
„He offered a cup of coffee. We came up to a table and I saw the guys who used to sit under my windows with those other guys I am complaining about. They greeted that Harold, shaken hands. I realized they were friends. „You know each other?” – I asked. He said that yes. Then I told him: „I know them, they sat under our windows.” When I saw them I didn’t want to talk any more. I said goodbye and went back to the car. Then Harold called and asked to come back to the door of the shop. I came back because I wondered what he would say. „We don’t know each other, let’s part on good terms,” ” he said. „Good,” ” I answered.
So these were my attempts to solve this by myself.
And now it seems that the stench in my flat is not from BMK, but some fungus. That’s the end of the world!” ” wondered the woman.
„What is that BMK?” ” the head of the Domeikava regional municipality asked Hot Commentary. We are explaining: that means the benzylmethylketon in short form, which means a chemical substance, which is the basic substance in the production of extasy, amphetamyn and metamphetamyn.
By the way, a few weeks ago police boasted about performing a big operation ” in one of the garages in Kaunas they found 27kg of metamphetamyn, ready for export from Lithuania. That is, they boasted, the largest police operation in this sphere.
Isn’t it interesting why Lithuanian police finds only the drug dealers, but they cannot find the laboratories producing that metamphetamyn?
Post Scriptum
In June, a reporter from Iceland, who had been following the English translations of this article on the website, called the Hot Commentary and asked if he could visit that flat in Domeikava and talk to S. Rakauskiene. We said ” no problem, come here.
An interesting coincidence has happened after this telephone call: almost all week after the foreigner’s call, the „fungus” in S. Rakauskiene’s apartment did not produce any acetone smell, and S. Rakauskiene could sleep normally first time during the last three years.
But when the visitor didn’t come, the „fungus” revived: day and night S.Rakauskiene can hear the centrifuges working (the neighbors must be very tidy people and do their laundry all day long), and a few times a day an acrid acetone smell fills up S. Rakauskiene’s apartment.
So who will mushroom out the fungus in Domeikava? And what is that chemically dangerous fungus called?
To be continued”